Monday, March 21, 2016

When you don't have an appetite...

An appetite is something that we take for granted.

When we don't have an appetite because of sickness, nervousness, busy-ness or other reasons, eating is often the last thing on our mind. As a person who loves food, when there is no appetite, it is a sad day. As a person who has a tendency to get low blood sugar, when there is no appetite, it is a major affliction. A situation that confuses me to my core is that when we are at our weakest, why are we not able to ingest the one thing that we need to re-fuel?

The past two weeks, I have experienced a lack of appetite like never before. I'm sure there are many people who experience this type of lack of food, but for me it was a first. So what do we do when we don't feel well, when we are so busy we don't have time, when we are so stressed we just don't feel like it? But yet, we don't have the energy, strength, time, money or tastebuds to continue?

I pray. 

Where else does strength come from? Food is supposed to provide our bodies with nutrients, help us rebuild our cells, and energize us from within. Even Jesus was hungry after 40 days and nights of fasting (Matthew 4:2). So when our stomaches are empty or our body is trying to heal, I think of Jesus' words when he was tempted with food in the desert: 

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

And boy is that true. Although I believe we really do need nutrients to keep us alive, I also believe when we are unable to do what we need to, God's strength can step in. If it is God's plan to keep us alive or to use us as a testimony, then He will provide us with the strength we need. 

SO what does this post have to do with my purpose of this blog? Why am I not posting a recipe? I haven't been much of a motivated blogger lately and felt the need to post something. But I also haven't been much of a cook for two reasons. First, I haven't had the time. Second, to prep for the crazy month of March and all that it entails for me, I prepped several quick meals to put in the freezer and to make ahead of time to help my sanity and my husband who cannot cook (unless you want a fantastic grilled cheese sandwich every night). As the woman of the house who has the ability to cook, I want to make sure he is taken care of for meals so he can still eat as healthy as possible. I think part of the reason we are still living in a small apartment and don't have pets is due to the traveling and time we occasionally spend away. Sometimes, this is just how life goes. For many people, this is how every day of the year goes.

And it's okay. Because you do what is best for your family, your children, and for you. And when you just can't find the strength, the time, the motivation to cook or eat, there is always someone you can turn to for that strength.